Most of you who talk to me on a regular basis hear me complain about Ford more than anything else. As most of you know, Ford cried a lot when he was tiny and is presently a very strong-willed toddler. Ford also has to have a very regimented sleep schedule...same naptime and (early) bedtime everyday. Otherwise, he doesn't sleep well. At home, he won't sleep anywhere other than his crib.
Yesterday, Ford started the fall session of playschool. He doesn't nap there and was very tired. Right before we got home he fell asleep in the car. When I got him out of the car, he didn't wake up. I carried him into the house, sat down on the couch and he slept on me for about 20 minutes. I woke him up only because I didn't want to spoil his bedtime.
He hasn't slept on me since he was a tiny baby. The child will not fall asleep if you hold or rock him and wakes up at the sight of anyone. I just held him, stinky diaper and all, and thought how it's little moments like these that make it all worth it.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The Sweetest Thing
Posted by UKNat at 9:05 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 20, 2007
Trip to Tampa
We went to Tampa this past week to visit our dear friends, Abby and Louie, and to meet their children for the first time (they adopted siblings from Guatemala in February). Ford and I went down on Wednesday and then Scott came on Friday. Once again, we were worried about how Ford would travel. And, once again, he pleasantly surprised us. He did really well on the airplane. Especially since it was his first time flying and the flights were during his naptime!
We went to the beach on Thursday and Ford got to see the ocean for the first time. He loved the waves and kept saying "mo (more)." Gus and Ford both ate sand! Abby was the perect hostess and made yummy meals for us. Some friends of theirs, Bill and Fraser, came over with their eight month old, Hadley, on Saturday because Abby made a wonderful brunch. I can't even tell you how good all the food was. Abby and I got to spend a few hours together without kids a couple of days, which was nice. It's hard to talk when you're chasing three kids around!
I don't even know where to begin. I felt like I already knew Cati and Gus. But now that I have have met them, they are even more special to me than before. Cati turned four last month and she is extremely sweet and smart. It's sooooooo cute to hear her talk. If you can imagine how a four year old talks and then consider that English is her second language (that she is learning amazingly well, I might say). She called Scott "Stot" and once she called him Spot. Ford liked Cati very much and she liked tickling him because he laughs really hard!
Gus is shy and he is a perfect 16 month old! I was very honored that he let me hold him a few times because he is very attached to his Mama. He even let me dress him one day when Abby was busy. It's hard to believe that they have only all been together as a family since February. The children and Abby and Louie all seem to have adjusted very well.
We went to the beach on Thursday and Ford got to see the ocean for the first time. He loved the waves and kept saying "mo (more)." Gus and Ford both ate sand! Abby was the perect hostess and made yummy meals for us. Some friends of theirs, Bill and Fraser, came over with their eight month old, Hadley, on Saturday because Abby made a wonderful brunch. I can't even tell you how good all the food was. Abby and I got to spend a few hours together without kids a couple of days, which was nice. It's hard to talk when you're chasing three kids around!
Abby and Louie have a beautiful house and children. We enjoyed our visit with them very much. They are coming to Nashville at the end of October, so I didn't cry too much when we left. And, I'll keep holding out for them to move back to Nashville until they tell me otherwise!
Posted by UKNat at 2:05 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Crocs-adile Tears
Just a quick post before our trip. Scott got Ford some Crocs today and let Ford put them before bedtime. I heard Ford screaming hysterically and I thought he had gotten hurt. I ran in the bedroom to ask Scott what had happened and Ford was crying because Scott had taken his Crocs off!
Posted by UKNat at 7:57 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 13, 2007
My Old Kentucky Home
This past week, Ford and I went to Kentucky because my dear friend, Trina, was in from Florida. We had a really nice time and got to spend time with lots of friends and family.
On Thursday, Ford and I went to Trina's dad's house. We got to see Trina and her kids, Ellie and Emerson; her sister and kids, Tracy, Riley and Braxton; and her dad and stepmom, Bill and Sharon. Braxton gave us a tour of Bill's (Pap) farm on the golf cart and Ford got to see his cows. I practically grew up with Trina, so her family and Dad's house are like my own.

Ford had lots of fun at Granny and Papa's house. Granny has lots of toys and fun things to do. Ford learned how to drive a little car and go up and down the stairs by himself. We also went swimming with my Aunt Carla and Uncle Clint and my cousin Kyle's kids, Hayes and Grayson. We also got to visit with my Mamaw; her sisters, Becky and Bernice; my cousin Jill and her boyfriend, Gary. And, on Friday night all of my high school girlfriends got together.
This week, Ford and I are leaving on Wednesday to go visit Abby in Tampa. Ford will get to ride on an airplane for the first time and we will get to meet Abby's kids! We can't wait. I'll post pictures as soon as we get back!
Posted by UKNat at 6:56 PM 0 comments
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