We left for North Carolina on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and got back to Nashville on Sunday, November 25th. We had a wonderful visit with Geega(Grana), Papa Forest, Uncle Brad and Uncle Greg. We ate a lot of yummy food (thanks to Grana), played a lot (thanks to Ford) and watched KY lose to Tennessee in 4 overtimes. All in all, we had a nice time! Here are some pictures from our trip.
Grana, Papa Forest, Ford and Ty:
Ford and Papa Forest watching golf:
Grana and Ford:
We took about 100 family pictures to try and get one for a Christmas card. We had a hard time getting Ford to comply.
Scott and his brothers:
Playing at the lake:
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Happy Holidays!
Posted by UKNat at 9:09 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Daddy's Boy
I have lots of people ask me if Ford is overly attached to me. Since I stay home with him, I automatically thought he would be a Mama's boy. This could not be further from the truth with Ford.
Ford wanted to be everywhere Scott was this weekend, do everything he did. He even fell out of his crib for the first time this morning (very scary) and cried for Scott even though I got to him first. As long as he was helping daddy this weekend, he was happy.
We had a visit from Granny and Mamaw this week. Ford was very excited to see that they were in the car when I picked him up from school on Friday.
I have to mention that sometime this month, our sweet girl dog, Sierra, turns ten. Scott found her entire litter in December of 1997. He found homes for all of them, but he couldn't part with Sierra. Sierra is very quirky and we were a little bit worried about how she would be with Ford. But she is remarkably sweet and tolerant of Ford (and Griffin and Lefty), which makes us love her even more!
We are going to North Carolina this week to spend Thanksgiving with Scott's mom, Forest and Scott's brothers. I hope all of you reading get to spend a wonderful day with your families and that you have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. I'll miss all of my family in KY, but we'll be there Christmas!
Posted by UKNat at 7:47 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 12, 2007
This past weekend, Scott and I had some free time without Ford. On Friday night, we went to dinner with Scott's dad and Rona and then went to the Bluebird to listen to Rona's friend, Lari White, play.
It was an excellent show and if you haven't been to the Bluebird, you should go sometime. It's an eclectic place with some unwritten rules...at the door, people with reservations stand in line to the left, people without reservations form a line to the right, for example. They also frown upon talking during the performances, which is kind of a strange concept when listening to live music. It's a total dive and hundreds of famous artists and songwriters have been discovered there. It's a very real example of what Nashville is all about.
On Saturday, Scott had gotten us tickets to go to the UK/Vanderbilt football game. Before the game, we met up with Vandy fans, Mary Ann, Jason and Murray. It was fun to hang out with them even though they were cheering for Vandy!
I can't even tell you how much I love Kentucky and it was so fun to be there at the game with thousands of people that feel the same way that I do. When we got to the game, I jokingly asked Scott if we could move to Lexington. Kentucky won (I'm not really sure how) and the band played My Old Kentucky Home after the game. It was a beautiful, sunny, perfect fall day! Thanks for getting the tickets and for enduring all the obnoxious UK fans, Scott.
Much thanks to PawPaw for our fun night out on Friday and for babysitting Ford while we went to the game. We can't thank you enough!
Posted by UKNat at 10:06 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
It's a BOY.........and a GIRL!
As most of you reading this know, Allen and Tiffany (my brother and sister-in-law) are having twins. They found out yesterday that they are having a baby boy AND a baby girl! Everything looked good in the ultrasound and the babies are the size they should be at this stage. I'll try to keep posting updates about the babies as things progress!
Posted by UKNat at 4:49 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 4, 2007
A Very Special Week
This past week was a very special one. Abby and Louie came to Nashville on Sunday and brought their kids for the very first time. They spent the week at Mary Ann and Jason's house. Mary Ann and Jason were kind enough to include us, so we spent most of the week at Whee-ull's (Will's) house.
On Monday, we had our friend Zach take pictures of all the kids at Mary Ann's parents' house. Mr. and Mrs. Page (aka Mimi and Pop) have a beautiful farm complete with a tractor and a barn. Mimi even made us dinner and we got to eat in the barn.
The kids played in the yard and Pop took us all for a ride with his tractor and wagon. When Pop stopped to let us get out of the wagon Ford got very upset. He started crying and was saying, "More ma mower peez, Pop (More lawn mower please, Pop)." Zach was able to capture the moment: To see all of the pictures of the kids you can go to www.zachgoodyearphotography.com and click on Order Prints Online and then go to 10/29/07.
On Tuesday, we went to the zoo. We got to see lots of great animals and we even got to see a very friendly giraffe.
Wednesday was Halloween and Abby's sister-in-law, Julie, made outfits for the kids. Catalina was the Queen of Hearts and the boys were playing cards. We went trick or treating in Mary Ann's neighborhood. The kids had a blast running around the yard and getting candy from the neighbors. Ford would say, "Trit tor treat." Here are some pictures of the Queen and her Court. Much thanks to Julie for the adorable outfits!
After we put all of the kids to bed, Mary Ann, Jennifer, Abby and I went to dinner to celebrate Mary Ann's birthday. It was so nice to wind down a busy week with my sweet girlfriends.
It was wonderful to have the Caputo's here with us in Nashville. We can't wait for them to move back someday!
Posted by UKNat at 7:29 PM 1 comments