We are alive and well. I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long. We've had lots going on.
I think I've talked before about my community group on the blog. Our church here in Nashville is pretty big, so we have community groups/small groups so we can have the love and support of a small church. Our group decided to start pairing up with one other family in the group once a month. First on our list to pair up with was the Brooks family. They came over for dinner (well, actually they brought dinner) the night after Ford's birthday party. We had a fun time with them and their children, Suzanna and Baby Witt.
We were in KY from Monday, January 28th until Wednesday, February 6th while our house was being painted. It took a little longer than we thought, but Ford had a great time with Granny and Papa. Here are some pictures from our visit to KY.
Making pancakes:
Riding on the lawn mower with Papa:
Helping Granny vacuum:
Making popcorn:
Checking out the snow (it snowed one day while we were there):
Playing with Play-Doh(Granny's nicer than me!):
Visiting with Cousins Hayes (not pictured) and Grayson, my cousin Kyle's boys:
We had such a fun time in KY. But we missed Scott so we're glad to be home. The house is almost finished, so I'll be posting pictures soon!
Friday, January 25, 2008
The Week that Was (make that a couple of weeks)
Posted by UKNat at 12:49 PM 1 comments
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Happy Birthday, Ford - Part 2
In continuing with our new tradition of seven days of Christmas, we decided to drag Ford's birthday out for almost a week. We ended yesterday with a birthday party for him. It was mostly family (which is a lot of people) and a few close friends.
Ford's favorite part of the birthday party was when everyone sang Happy Birthday to You:
His second favorite part was eating chocolate chip cookies (note the cookie in his hand)......and eating cake and ice cream. At the end of the party I wondered aloud if Ford had eaten anything that didn't have sugar in it. Thankfully, Papa (my dad) fed him chicken noodle soup. Thanks, Papa!
Ford and Pawpaw (Scott's dad):
Aunt Leigh Ann with Audrey and Ford:
Ford in his John Deere hat from Mimi and Pop (Mary Ann's parents):Friend Will and Ford (that's SWEET TEA spilled down the front of Ford's shirt):
Daddy, Mommy and Ford:
Ford had such a fun day! Thanks to everyone who made him feel so special at his birthday party! We love you all!
Posted by UKNat at 3:22 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Two Year Check-Up
Scott and I took Ford to his doctor today for his two year visit. We have been going to a new pediatrician, Dr. Heil, since Ford was about 18 months old and we love him. We feel like he is very compatible with Ford and us.
Here are Ford's current stats:
Height: 35 1/2 inches/79 percentile
Weight: 29 lbs, 6 oz/65 percentile
Head Circumference: 50.6 cm/92 percentile
They asked if he was sleeping through the night, taking naps, eating well, brushing his teeth and had at least a 50 word vocabulary. Even though Ford isn't a great eater, the doctor was comfortable with his height to weight ratio. We had a couple of questions about Ford's behavior/personality and Dr. Heil recommended the book Raising Your Spirited Child. Ms. Pam, the nurse, gave Ford a vaccine (his last one until he's five-yeah!) and took blood for a lead test due to our 100 year old house that is under renovation. I think overall it was a pretty good and informative visit.
The good news is we have a healthy two-year-old boy!
Posted by UKNat at 11:53 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Today is Ford's second birthday and he has had a big day! When he woke up this morning, we had balloons and bubbles in the kitchen. He got a ride-on bulldozer and rocking horse (thanks to Pawpaw) and we got him a cute little tricycle, a Thomas the Train book and a little doctor kit.
Scott didn't schedule many appointments today so he could spend most of the day with Ford. He made Ford pancakes and we put candles in them and sang Happy Birthday.
Ford and I ran errands and went to see all his girlfriends at the bank. They always blow him kisses and give him lots of suckers. We went to the grocery store and our favorite employee, Ms. Faye, gave Ford a balloon and some money. As soon as we pull into the parking lot, Ford starts saying, "Miss Paye! Miss Paye!"
Other big highlights of the day were opening a present from the Caputos, going to eat pizza for dinner and Audrey calling and singing Happy Birthday.Thanks to everyone who sent cards, messages or called to wish our big boy Happy Birthday!
Posted by UKNat at 6:40 PM 2 comments
Monday, January 14, 2008
The things they say
Scene: Scott was talking with Ford today
Scott: "Do you know what tomorrow is?"
Ford: "Santa Cause?"
Scott: "No. Guess whose happy day it is tomorrow?"
Ford: "Desus."
Scott: "No, it's not Jesus's happy day. It's Ford's."
Posted by UKNat at 9:29 PM 1 comments
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Before there was Ford
This picture was taken on January 14, 2006, two years ago tomorrow. Ford's due date was February 1st, so little did I know by that time the next day, I would have a son.
Ford's second birthday is this Tuesday, the 15th. It's hard to believe he's been here in his present form for two years. But it's also hard to remember what life was like before him. Believe me, I DO remember that things were easier...how much free time I had and didn't realize...how less tired I was at the end of my office work day. But, I don't remember what it was like to not know him. And, I certainly don't remember what it was like to not love him.
Being a mother is the hardest job I've ever had. And I wouldn't trade it or Ford for anything else in whole world.
Posted by UKNat at 12:54 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 11, 2008
May I have a sticker, please?
I went to pick up Ford today at his playschool and one of his teachers, Miss Kelli, said she had a funny Ford story to tell me. A little girl in Ford's class fell down today and hurt her hand. She was crying and Miss Kelli asked her if she was okay and if a sticker would make her feel better. Miss Kelli got her a sticker and the little girl was fine.
Miss Kelli said about five or ten minutes later Ford walked up to her with the worst fake cry she'd ever heard and said, "Pord hurt hand. Hurt hand. Ticker?"
Posted by UKNat at 10:23 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Sewanee, How I Love Ya...
This past weekend, Scott, Ford and I went to Mont Eagle for Scott to do some computer work for my former boss and our friends, Richard and Beth. Richard and Beth have a home in Monteagle that needed internet and wireless computer capabilities, so we got there at about noon on Friday and stayed until the next afternoon.
If you haven't ever been to Monteagle or Sewanee, I highly recommend it. It's about an hour east of Nashville and it is one of the most beautiful and peaceful places I've ever been (not that I'm well traveled, but still).
Richard and Beth's house is called Mountainview because it literally backs up to the edge of the mountain. The house is beautiful and the views are even more beautiful.
We were only there for 24 hours, but Richard said there is a playground you can hike to that's close by. We'd like to go back when it's a little warmer outside and stay for a weekend. Anyway, it was a nice very mini-vacation. A picture is worth a thousand words, so here you go!
Posted by UKNat at 8:32 AM 2 comments
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Without further ado...
Since the reason that most of you probably check this blog is to see pictures of Ford AND I haven't posted a single picture of him in a month, here are some pictures! I've also included a few other cute ones!
Ford and Scott brushing their teeth:
...reading books:
Ford woke up from his nap to find A CHRISTMAS TREE!
Lefty was very fond of taking naps under the Christmas tree, but once the presents were gone, he was over it:
Ford is crazy about his Uncle Brad:
And his Uncle Greg:
Griffin made a nest/bed out of wrapping paper:
Ford didn't take the ornaments off of the tree, he just rearranged them:
Uncle Allen and cousin Audrey:
Ford was enamored with my/his cousin Ali. He followed her around staring up at her. I told him he needed to work on his skills:
As you can imagine, we have tons of cute pictures of Ford. But, that's all I'll post for now.
Posted by UKNat at 6:28 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Happy New Year!
I've procrastinated so long with the Christmas posts that I thought I should go ahead and post for the new year!
It's amazing to reflect on this past year and see all of the things that happened in 2007. Ford celebrated his first birthday, stopped taking a bottle, learned to walk, got his first tooth (and several more), learned to talk (quite well, as a matter of fact), started playschool (which he LOVES) and started sleeping through the night (Praise God). Most importantly, he stopped taking his reflux medicine which he had taken since he was two months old.
Scott and I celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary and Scott's business had a successful year. He worked very hard this past year and Ford and I are very proud of him.
We decided it was either time to sell our house or finish renovating it. We haven't found another house that better suits our needs than this one, so we started work on it again this past August. I plan on posting before, during and after pictures the second we get one room finished!
We are thankful for 2007 and excited and hopeful about 2008. We wish all of you a blessed new year!
Posted by UKNat at 11:53 AM 0 comments