Here are a few things we've done since last Thursday. We've also been hanging out at the pool a bunch. But, it's nearly impossible to take pictures at the pool, so, there aren't any this week. I hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The Week in Pictures
Posted by UKNat at 10:31 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Stomach Bug
Ford woke up at 5:30 on Monday morning throwing up. For the next couple of hours, he pretty much threw up on everything that could be laundered. Poor buddy couldn't even drink water without throwing up.
I called our doctor's office to see what our plan of action needed to be. No food. Tiny amounts of liquid every ten minutes as long as he could tolerate it. If you've ever dealt with this, you know the drill. Oh, and the big one...he's contagious until he's symptom free for 24 hours. Bummer. That meant no school on Monday or bible study today (since he still had symptoms yesterday afternoon). Ford gets a little stir crazy when he can't leave the house.
I guess we're pretty lucky that we've made it almost two and a half years without Ford getting a stomach virus. After the initial throwing up and ten loads of laundry, it wasn't that bad. Ford is calmer when he's sick and he also took a nap on Monday and Tuesday. I think he's feeling better because I can hear him not taking a nap today. Oh, and this picture was taken yesterday afternoon and he doesn't look sick at all!
Posted by UKNat at 12:55 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Happy Father's Day!
Ford mentioned earlier this week that he wanted to go to the "car house." He was talking about the hot dog vendor, "I Dream of Weenie." Since Scott and Ford love hot dogs (and I don't), I thought it might be a fun Father's Day activity for this weekend.
We packed up and headed to our East Nashville weenery and loaded up on hot dogs. It started to pour down rain right before we left, so we had to get the hot dogs to go. Nonetheless, Scott and Ford enjoyed their dogs!
After church on Sunday, we invited Paw Paw and Rona over to celebrate Father's Day and Paw Paw's birthday, which was this past Thursday, June 12th. Scott and Paw Paw opened gifts and Ford played in his swimming pool for a while. After Ford went to bed, the grown ups had dinner and cake and watched the U.S. Open.
The only thing missing was that we didn't get to spend Father's Day with my dad. I am blessed to have my dad and I think Scott would say the same thing about his. It's also sweet to see them in their grandfather roles with Ford.
And, I have to compliment my husband on being such an amazing father to Ford. I am so proud of what a wonderful daddy he is to Ford. Ford is absolutely crazy about Scott and I know the feeling is mutual.
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to Scott, Paw Paw, Papa and Papa Forest! Ford and I love you all!
Posted by UKNat at 6:41 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Happy Mother's Day
It's only taken me a month to post this video. Even though it's a month old, it's still really cute!
Posted by UKNat at 8:53 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
My Little Duckie
We have had an exciting week (for us) this past week. Ford and I made our first trip to the pool this summer. We met Ford's friends Tyner and Noelle there and ran into some other kids and mommies that we know. Last summer, Ford was 18 months old and going to pool was awful. He had no concept of danger and when you combine that with his high energy level, I was a nervous wreck. This summer is MUCH BETTER! He seemed to be interested enough in the water to stay in the pool. And, he is surprisingly cautious. He only accidentally went under twice. Some of the other mommies and I just cheered for him like he was supposed to go under and instead of crying he smiled like he was proud of himself. It could have gone either way! He loves the pool and has asked to go every day since then.On Saturday night, our friends had their annual "Garland Bash." It's a fun yard party complete with Mexican food and music. It is a family event, but Scott and I didn't want to keep Ford up past his bedtime. Aunt Leigh Ann was kind enough to babysit for us, so Scott and I had a date. Thanks, Aunt Leigh Ann!
On Sunday, we ran errands and stopped to get Ford and all-American supper...a cheeseburger and fries at Sonic. We also got him a new duckie towel, which he thinks is really cool.
Monday, after school, Noelle invited us to go to the spraygound. For those of you who don't have small children in Nashville, the spraygrounds are part of the Metro Parks and it's basically a playground with sprinklers. We ran into one of Ford's school buddies there and played in the water and then at the adjacent playground. Instead of taking a nap, Ford is screaming for me, so I probably should end this post. This no nap stuff is getting old!
Posted by UKNat at 1:22 PM 1 comments
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Bowling Green
A week ago Wednesday, we went to Bowling Green to visit. The twins are getting so big. Luke is bigger than petite little Amelia, so he looks like a bruiser next to her. Aunt Leigh Ann went with us and Granny met us there and we had a fun day playing with Tiffany, Audrey and the twins.
I left for my beach trip that evening after we got home from Bowling Green. This is the picture I took as Ford was going to bed so I would have a picture of my boys with me on the trip.
Posted by UKNat at 1:57 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Beach Trip
A few weeks ago, Shannon (in my community group) called and said another girl,at church, Catherine, had planned a beach trip. They had a extra spot and she asked if I'd want to go. I said yes!
Shannon, Mary and I left on Wednesday evening to head to the beach house in Santa Rosa Beach, FL. I've have known Shannon since we joined the community group back in November, 2004. I knew Mary from church, but had never had the pleasure of getting to know her until this beach trip. We were roommates and rode bikes together and became fast friends!
There were eight of us on the trip and seven of us have small children and Melissa is a high school teacher (which is probably even harder than having small children). So, the plan for the long weekend was to have no plans! It was very relaxing! Also, none of really wanted any bathing suit photos, so I only got one picture of all the girls...eating ice cream! Melissa and Catherine:
Mary, Lauren, Misty, Tiana and Shannon:Thanks to everyone who made my relaxing beach trip possible, especially Scott. And, a very big thank you to Mary Ann, Aunt Leigh Ann, Uncle Chris and Granny for taking very good care of my baby boy while I was gone!
Posted by UKNat at 8:51 AM 1 comments