We've had lots of fun this May. Here is a little glimpse at the past month.
One Saturday morning, we met our friends, the Johnsons, for breakfast at the Pfunky Griddle. The Pfunky Griddle is a little breakfast place where you make your own pancakes with your choice of toppings.
Scott and Ford:
Waiting on the pancakes:
The kids:
My sweet friend Renee and me:
On another Saturday, we met some members of our church community group to have a play date with the kids. There's a church in Nashville, Christ Church, that has a very cool indoor play area that anybody can use. The kids had a blast.
After the playing at the church, we went for ice cream:
Strawberry season is upon us. One day, Mary Ann, Will, Ford and I went to a strawberry patch to pick strawberries.
The highlight on my month was getting to meet my friend's triplets for the first time. The triplets were born on December 13th and were in the hospital for several months. For the safety of their health, no visitors except for immediate family could visit. They were given the green light to have guests this month! Look at these sweet babies!
Nola Kate:
Maddux Lee:
Luce Reese:
Scott got to take a trip to his college town for a fraternity brother's wedding. Here is a picture of Scott and some of his buddies. Scott isn't able to get back and see them much. I'm happy for him that he was able to go and have a fun time at the wedding with all of his friends.
Ford just hanging out looking cute (I'm a little bias):
Every now and then, I'll sneak into Ford's room and take a picture of Ford sleeping:
I'm not sure what happened to his pants here:
Ford and his sweet smile:
On Friday, we went to the pool with Mary Ann and Will. It was a little bit cool and the sun didn't shine. But, the boys didn't seem to mind and had so much fun playing together. Yeah for three year olds!
Ford and his goggles:
I don't know if you can see, but the boys have mototcycles. They are driving them up the pool ramp, motorcycle sounds and all.
Rest time at the pool:
Ford resting on the couch with his "friends" after a long, fun day at the pool:
In house news, our newest renovation was adding a patio. The patio is in, but we still need to landscape around it. I'll post some before and after pictures when we are finished.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
The Month of May
Posted by UKNat at 8:41 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Then and Now
Almost two years ago I started this blog. My first post was our trip to visit Grana and Papa Forest in North Carolina. I took some similar pictures this time to show you how much Ford has grown.
Posted by UKNat at 7:10 PM 0 comments
Memorial Day Weekend
For Memorial Day Weekend, we went to visit Grana and Papa Forest in North Carolina. As usual, we had a wonderful weekend and a nice visit with them. There was also one other perk. I recently got back in touch with one of my old roommates, Taryn (gotta love Facebook). She lives in Asheville, just 20 miles from Scott's mom. We were able to meet her out for dinner one night and I got to meet her sweet family. Since my last post was so long, I'll just post lots of pictures with captions from our weekend. Oh, and here is my disclaimer...Both Scott and Ford love the color green and therefore have several shirts that are green. I rarely wear green, but I happen to have two maternity shirts that are green. Hence the seemingly matching shirts again.
Grana's dog, Ty, giving Ford kisses.
I think it's crazy how much Scott and Ford look alike.
On Friday night, we went to dinner at some friends of Cindy and Forest. Their daughter, her husband and three-year-old son, Will, were there visiting. Their house is within walking distance to this beautiful waterfall. We took the boys fishing at the waterfall and took some cool pictures. Will and Ford became fast friends.

Waiting patiently to fish.
Fishing with Papa Forest.
Playing shuffle board with Will.
Goodbye hugs.
Driving the boat.
Mommy and Ford on the lake.
Playing on the playset at the beach.
Grana and Ford at the beach.
Walking on the beach.
Playing in the sand.
This picture isn't very clear, but we saw a mama duck and her babies. Look how little and cute they are!
We also saw deer on the way home from the lake.
For Mother's Day, Ford made Grana a stepping stone for her garden. Ford got to help put it in her garden while we were there.
Ford eating breakfast. I just think he looks cute here.
Ford and cute little Sienna.
My friend, Taryn, and her sweet babies with Ford and me. My, how times have changed!
Posted by UKNat at 2:06 PM 1 comments