Monday, November 24, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
I have inadvertently taken the month of November off. So, I just wanted to let everyone know we are all alive and well. We'll be heading to North Carolina for the Thanksgiving holiday. And, our trip is sure to bring lots of Kodak moments for me to post. Here are a few pictures of Ford from this month, just in case you miss seeing his sweet, little face! I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday with people you love! If you are reading this, I am thankful for YOU!
Posted by UKNat at 9:32 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Max is Coming Home!
Our dear friends, Abby and Louie, adopted siblings from Guatemala. Catalina is now five and Gus is two and a half and they came home with Abby and Louie in February, 2007. In August last year, Abby and Louie received news that Cati and Gus had a new baby brother that would also be placed for adoption, Max. Abby and Louie were asked if they would be interested in adopting Max. Without a moment's hesitation, they said, "YES!"
It has been a long and hard road to get to this point, but MAX IS COMING HOME! Abby and Louie will be traveling to Guatemala to pick him up and bring him home on November 15th.
Of course, Cati and Gus are blessings straight from heaven. But, there are many details that I won't get into that make Max's adoption even more of a miracle. If I have ever seen our Mighty God's hands at work, it is in the fact that Max is coming home.
Abby and Louie, we can't wait for you to bring Max home and can't wait to meet him!
Posted by UKNat at 12:55 PM 1 comments
One, Two, THREE!
As some of you may know, my friend, Jennifer, is expecting triplets. That's not a typo. She and her husband are having two girls and a boy who should arrive sometime in the first quarter of 2009. Her first baby shower was on Wednesday and it was such a nice shower. She got so many wonderful gifts and three of almost everything. It is always such a blessing to get the essential things before the baby comes, or babies, in this case. Jennifer is 22 weeks and she looks great!
Posted by UKNat at 8:55 AM 0 comments
Pawpaw and Rona
Sunday, after the Titans win against the Packers, we headed to Pawpaw and Rona's house. They were kind enough to make dinner for us and invited us down to play and eat. Pawpaw's house is always fun because he has lots of toys! Thanks for having us, Pawpaw and Rona! We had a fun time!
Posted by UKNat at 8:47 AM 0 comments
We had a very fun Halloween this year. We were able to celebrate for two days, trick-or-treating on Friday and Trunk or Treat at church on Saturday. Aunt Leigh Ann came over on Friday and we went to the Truss' house to have chili and go trick-or-treating down their sidewalked street. Trunk or Treat at church is always fun and it wasn't freezing up on the hill this year!
Some folks have wondered about Ford's UPS costume. Since Scott started his computer business, we have had computers delivered to our house a few times a week. From the time Ford was old enough to know what was going on, we go to the door and see Merv and his truck when he brings computers by. Ford loves Merv and cries if he doesn't get to say "hi" to him. I also know Ford well enough to know that he probably wouldn't wear something with a mask, fur, or anything else that might be too hot, too itchy or that just didn't feel right to him. The UPS outfit was the perfect solution because it's just a shirt, pants and cap! He LOVED it! If you ask him what he was for Halloween he says, "MERV!"
Posted by UKNat at 8:11 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Here are just some of the things we've been up to this past month. I'm mostly posting pictures, but I'll put some captions with the pictures so you'll at least know what's going on!
We celebrated Scott's birthday with his dad and Rona. They brought over dinner one night and after Ford went to bed, Scott opened a few gifts from them.
Ford goes to school with Libby, the youngest daughter of our friends, Bret and Virginia. They live in East Nashville too, so Virginia and I have been taking turns taking and picking up the kids from play school. Ford and Libby always have a big time in the car together!Ford and I have been going to RIP class every Tuesday and Thursday since the middle of June (I'll write a post about RIP class another day). We got to have a Halloween party at RIP class. These are pictures from the party.
We've met some wonderful friends there. Some of you have heard me talk about the quadruplets and their amazing mother, Ann. One half of the quads are in this picture, Mary Carter and Elizabeth (in the matching pink overalls, of course).
Here is the other half, Laura Frances and Shep.
Ford and some of his other classmates.
My college friend, LeAnn, had her first baby on October 24th. He was six weeks early, but he is doing great. They have already gotten to go home from the hosptial. Look how sweet and little Eli is! Congratulations to LeAnn and Aaron.
These next pictures are just because I think they are cute. I think this should be an ad for Mott's Tots juice boxes.
Scott traded some computer repairs for a train table recently. Ford absolutely LOVES it.
Ford wearing my robe and doing his best Hef impersonation.
Ford likes to watch this show called Lazytown. In this episode, they are playing baseball. Ford ran to get his baseball and bat and was holding it while he watched. Too cute!
Ford is obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine. They only show Thomas on PBS on Saturday. Ford watches it while he eats breakfast and is mesmerized. Oh, and do you see the beautiful flowers on the kitchen table? My sweet, sweet husband brought me flowers one day just because. So, so thoughtful.
Ford was playing with his train table one morning and he came into the kitchen with no pants on. I asked him what happend to his pants (a new pair that I just got for him). He said, "Dose pants are itchy so I take dem off." I asked him to show me what part is itchy. He said, "DAT!" and pointed to the velcro on the back pockets.
That's a synopsis of our life in the month of October. I'll make a separate post about Halloween. I hope all of you had a fun and Happy Halloween!
Posted by UKNat at 7:21 AM 0 comments