Here are just some of the things we've been up to this past month. I'm mostly posting pictures, but I'll put some captions with the pictures so you'll at least know what's going on!
We celebrated Scott's birthday with his dad and Rona. They brought over dinner one night and after Ford went to bed, Scott opened a few gifts from them.
Ford goes to school with Libby, the youngest daughter of our friends, Bret and Virginia. They live in East Nashville too, so Virginia and I have been taking turns taking and picking up the kids from play school. Ford and Libby always have a big time in the car together!Ford and I have been going to RIP class every Tuesday and Thursday since the middle of June (I'll write a post about RIP class another day). We got to have a Halloween party at RIP class. These are pictures from the party.
We've met some wonderful friends there. Some of you have heard me talk about the quadruplets and their amazing mother, Ann. One half of the quads are in this picture, Mary Carter and Elizabeth (in the matching pink overalls, of course).
Here is the other half, Laura Frances and Shep.
Ford and some of his other classmates.
My college friend, LeAnn, had her first baby on October 24th. He was six weeks early, but he is doing great. They have already gotten to go home from the hosptial. Look how sweet and little Eli is! Congratulations to LeAnn and Aaron.
These next pictures are just because I think they are cute. I think this should be an ad for Mott's Tots juice boxes.
Scott traded some computer repairs for a train table recently. Ford absolutely LOVES it.
Ford wearing my robe and doing his best Hef impersonation.
Ford likes to watch this show called Lazytown. In this episode, they are playing baseball. Ford ran to get his baseball and bat and was holding it while he watched. Too cute!
Ford is obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine. They only show Thomas on PBS on Saturday. Ford watches it while he eats breakfast and is mesmerized. Oh, and do you see the beautiful flowers on the kitchen table? My sweet, sweet husband brought me flowers one day just because. So, so thoughtful.
Ford was playing with his train table one morning and he came into the kitchen with no pants on. I asked him what happend to his pants (a new pair that I just got for him). He said, "Dose pants are itchy so I take dem off." I asked him to show me what part is itchy. He said, "DAT!" and pointed to the velcro on the back pockets.
That's a synopsis of our life in the month of October. I'll make a separate post about Halloween. I hope all of you had a fun and Happy Halloween!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Posted by UKNat at 7:21 AM
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