Tuesday, January 27, 2009

We Gon Party Like it's yo Birthday

On January 17th, we had a birthday party for Ford. I've yet to plan a kid birthday party for Ford. So, we just had family and a few close friends attend.

Ford is all about Thomas the Tank Engine:

While we sang "Happy Birthday":

Blowing out candles:

The only family picture from Ford's party:

Ella, Audrey and Ford waiting patiently for cake:

Ford and his presents:

Opening his gifts:

Poor baby Amelia was sick. I think this is the only picture I have of Tiffany and Amelia from the party:

Our friends, the Carters:

Our teenage cousins, Shelby, Garrett and Maggie(Maggie's not quite a teenager yet):

Mary Ann, Scarlett and Will:

Mary Ann, me and Jennifer. Jennifer, Shawn and Scarlett came all the way from Memphis just to come to the party. So sweet:

Libby. We carpool to school with Libby every week:

Granny and cousin Audrey:

Ford and Scott's dad, Papaw:

Ford and his "friend cousin Audrey":

Ford and his buddy Will:

Cousin Joy, Aunt Leigh Ann, Cousins Pam and Shelby:

Uncle Chris and cousin Luke:

Aunt Becky and my Mamaw:

Uncle Allen and Baby Luke:

Family picture with my family:

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

You Say it's Your Birthday

Ford turned three years old on January 15th. Every year, we try and make Ford feel special on his actual birthday. So, we decorated the kitchen with some balloons and a banner and wrapped up a some of his presents.

Here is Ford with his balloons and presents:

Ford decided to line up his old cars and new cars (from the Cars movie, his favorite):

For lunch, Scott met us at Chick-fil-a where we ate lunch and Ford got to play in the play area:

For dinner that night, Scott had the great idea of taking Ford to a Japanese steak house. We went to Goten and we had a wonderful dinner and the service was excellent.

Ford LOVED watching the chef, especially when he made fire!

I thought I would post this picture because my child actually eats salad.

After we ate, the nice server brought Ford a chocolate sundae for dessert and we sang "Happy Birthday."

The family picture from Ford's birthday. We didn't realize he had chocolate ALL OVER his mouth.

I think Ford enjoyed his birthday. Scott and I certainly enjoyed celebrating the day our son was born!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Happy Birthday, Ford!




We love you so much! Love, Mommy and Daddy

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Long December

Once again, I've gotten way behind on my posts. We had a wonderful and busy December spent with lots of family and dear friends. Here are just a few pictures. There are many more that I will post hopefully tomorrow. Happy New Year!