Monday, September 7, 2009

One Month Down, 215 to Go

OK, this is an unfinished post that I started a couple of weeks ago. I'm going to go ahead and post this, before Miles turns two months old!

Whew. Having a newborn baby doesn't lend itself to a lot of free time for blog entries. If you read my last post, we are trying to survive colic and painful reflux. Some of the things we have tried seem to be helping some with Miles' reflux. We just hope and pray that we will find a medication that works well and/or that he'll outgrow it extremely quickly. Either of those options would offer all of us relief. Colic, well, we'll just try and tough it out until November 2nd. Our doctor says that fussiness peeks at six weeks and then tends to taper off after that. Ford defied the law of averages. We can only hope that Miles will fall into the average category where the fussiness is concerned.

I do apologize for not posting more pictures sooner. For all of you friends and family that live far away, I'll try and do better.