Sunday, November 18, 2007

Daddy's Boy

I have lots of people ask me if Ford is overly attached to me. Since I stay home with him, I automatically thought he would be a Mama's boy. This could not be further from the truth with Ford.

Ford wanted to be everywhere Scott was this weekend, do everything he did. He even fell out of his crib for the first time this morning (very scary) and cried for Scott even though I got to him first. As long as he was helping daddy this weekend, he was happy.

We had a visit from Granny and Mamaw this week. Ford was very excited to see that they were in the car when I picked him up from school on Friday.

I have to mention that sometime this month, our sweet girl dog, Sierra, turns ten. Scott found her entire litter in December of 1997. He found homes for all of them, but he couldn't part with Sierra. Sierra is very quirky and we were a little bit worried about how she would be with Ford. But she is remarkably sweet and tolerant of Ford (and Griffin and Lefty), which makes us love her even more!

We are going to North Carolina this week to spend Thanksgiving with Scott's mom, Forest and Scott's brothers. I hope all of you reading get to spend a wonderful day with your families and that you have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. I'll miss all of my family in KY, but we'll be there Christmas!


Steve Simpson said...

Happy birthday to Sierra. Have a happy Thanksgiving, and a great trip to NC.