Monday, February 2, 2009

Big Boy Bed and other Milestones

Turning three has meant some big changes and new adventures for Ford (and us). Ford had his first visit to the dentist. Let me just tell you how incredibly proud I am of my son. He went into the dentist office and got into the chair just like he'd done it a million times. He did so well that the sweet dental hygenist said she wished all of her little patients did as well as Ford. He was such a champ!

The hygenist gave Ford a little starfish that had teeth, so Ford got to brush his teeth:

OK, you should really click on this picture and make it bigger so you can see the starfishes teeth. They are hilarious:

On Saturday, we made an impromptu trip to Sam's to get Ford a big boy bed. I'm probably going to get my old twin bed to use at some point, but for now, we just have a mattress and boxsprings. I was a little bit worried about Ford staying in his bed, but he's been perfect! This is his third night to sleep in his bed and he doesn't get out until morning. Again, I'm so proud of my little boy! There aren't many, if any, milestones that have made me sad since Ford has been born. But, I'm a little bittersweet about Ford's big boy bed. He won't ever sleep in his crib again and that makes me tear up a little just thinking about it. He's getting so big.
Scott reading bedtime stories to Ford:

Look how little bitty he looks in the great big bed:

I'm posting the following picture just because I think it's cute. I bought a large pack of juice boxes and there were three different flavors. They were sitting on Ford's little table and he put each car on the juice boxes and said, "look, they match." I was impressed!

That's all for now. I think now that the holidays and Ford's birthday are over, I'll be able to keep up with my posts!


Unknown said...

So cute, the matching the cars to juice boxes! What a little smartie he is!! Great job at the dentist, Ford!! Gus blew us away, too, when he went. I just can't believe how big they can be sometimes. I have been meaning to ask you this, is he potty trained? Gus has no interest whatsoever and I take the approach that he'll decide when he's ready and I don't ever even mention it. But, there's this workshop here in a couple of weeks by this lady that does potty training bootcamp and she swears that they'll be perfectly potty trained in one day. We'll see about that. Love y'all, ab

Natalie said...

No, Ford is not potty trained yet, but he is making progress. He really wants to wear big boy underwear, so we have been practicing at home. I'm happy with how long he can actually go without wetting himself. I tried a few months ago and he couldn't go 10 minutes. I think he is starting to "get it" and that makes all the difference. If I would have tried before now, I think we would have failed miserably and I would have been doing lots of extra laundry.