Saturday, March 28, 2009

Time Marches On

Well, I've done it again. It has been a month since my last post. I really have been wanting to post more often, but I feel like I need to block off at least an hour to post. So, lately, I just haven't been posting. Here is what we've been up to this past MONTH. Here are a few things that have happened in March (or maybe even the end of February).

My mom, sister and I went to see the Christian group Selah perform. The concert was to raise money for the Hope Clinic. Not only was the music beautiful, but it was for a good cause.

Ford and Granny before we left for the show:

Ford made a picnic in his room and then asked Scott to have a picnic with him:

Playing at the park on a Sunday afternoon:

Riding in the wagon at Libby's house with Libby and Annie:

Baking cookies for St. Patrick's Day:

Loving on Sierra:

Saturday breakfast and playing at the park with the Brooks family:

Playing at Will's house:

I LOVE this picture of Will and Ford. The lighting is bad, so the quality is not great. But, the picture is precious:

Playing at home:

I was busy making phone calls one morning, so I made Ford lunch and let him have a picnic on the porch while I talked on the phone. I neglected to get him completely dressed, so he was running around the yard barefoot in his underwear. He looked like such a little redneck child:

Ford said he was tired one morning and asked to lie down on the couch with his "friends" and watch tv (this is a rare occurance, so I took a picture):

I have a few more things to post about in March and will try to get them posted today. So, if you are still reading the blog, check back later today!