Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Double Trouble

We had a busy Saturday planned on the 13th. Ford's friend, Tyner, had a birthday party that morning and then we were going to the Pewitts for a cook out after Ford's nap.

We got home from the party and put Ford down for his nap. I was in the middle of making a side and some cookies to take to the cookout when I heard Ford scream. The first time Ford yelled, I wasn't sure something was wrong. The second time he yelled, I KNEW something was wrong.

I went running into Ford's room to see him crying, standing up in his bed with his hand over his left eye, and blood on his face. Of course, when you see your child bleeding like that, it's scary. All I could think was, "Oh, Lord. Not again." He said he fell and hit his head on one of the spindles of his iron bed.

I grabbed Ford up and took him to the bathroom to assess his wound, calling for Scott on the way. After applying pressure, it stopped bleeding and we were able to see how bad it was. He had a cut over his left eyebrow that looked like it needed stitches. It wasn't as bad as his cut last week, but we still thought it was hospital worthy. I called Ford's pediatrian and we were advised to go to Vanderbilt Children's Hosptial to the ER. On a Saturday afternoon one week later, we were headed to the ER, AGAIN.

I had mentioned last week that it was probably a blessing that we had to go to the ER at Indian Rocks Beach. The hospital was small and there wasn't much going on that was traumatic in the ER, for which we were thankful. However, our experience at VCH was equally pleasant (for an ER visit). This visit took longer, but only because they put a numbing gel on Ford's wound that had to stay on for 45 minutes.

Once again, Ford was brave and composed. He only cried when the doctor put in the stitches. But, he stayed still the whole time. The staff couldn't believe that he had staples that were put in last week. The doctor checked out his injury from last week and decided he could save us a trip to Ford's pediatrian and removed the staples(one perk to our ER visit).

Since Louie works for an HCA hospital, last week, he asked what hospital ER we would have gone to had we been in Nashville. To answer Louie's question, whatever hospital our pediatrician recommends.

I actually had my camera, so here are some pictures.

Ford with his numbing gel bandage:

Louie, one advantage at the children's hospital is they have TVs in the room:

Watching the Disney Channel was a great distraction:

Once again, I hope this isn't too gory to post. Ford's three stitches:

After the stitches, waiting to be released:

We survived another Saturday afternoon at the hospital. We were even released early enough to still attend the cookout at Mary Ann and Jason's house (I think we were at the hospital for one hour and 45 minutes total). Ford played with Will just like nothing had ever happened. Kids seem to bounce back from this kind of thing more quickly than the parents! Scott and I were worn out and went to bed early that night.


Unknown said...

Sweet boy, we have a "get well soon" present and picture for him that I meant to send on Monday...of course, I still haven't gotten to it. Maybe it can be a "congratulations on your stitches disappearing" present!