Saturday, July 11, 2009

Leave of Absence

I know that I'm a slacker when it comes to posting on my blog. But, there is a pretty good reason why I haven't posted for three weeks. I was sick last week.

I started feeling pretty lousy on Saturday, June 27th. I thought I was having a reoccurrance of morning sickness and I was having trouble eating. That continued until Tuesday, June 30th. I had an appointment with my OB/GYN on that day and when I went in he said I was dehydrated and I had a virus that had been going around. He said I needed to go to the hosptial to get an IV to replenish my fluids. UGH! No wonder I wasn't feeling well.

Apparently, and much to my dismay, it sometimes takes longer to get over these things when you are pregnant. It made for a L-O-N-G and terrible week for me. I simply couldn't eat or drink, was very weak and ended up having to go to the hospital on Thursday for another IV. Finally, on Monday (more than seven days later) I was feeling pretty normal again. I was still nauseous in the morning and for lunch, but I could eat again and felt fine by dinner time.

I was blessed to have help. Scott, my sister and Scott's dad and Rona were a huge help. I was basically in bed all week and they made sure that Ford was cared for and they also took care of me. Scott and my sister went above and beyond what I ever could have asked. I don't think I would have made through the week without them.

I have lots fun things to post about, but I thought I'd just give you a head's up to where I've been. Also, if you'll notice the little bird at the top of the page, only 28 more days until Baby Brother arrives. It's both scary and exciting!