Saturday, February 27, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday, Ford

My first baby boy turned four on January 15th. It was a beautiful, unusually warm day on Ford's actual birthday. Scott took the day off and we spent the day at the zoo with Ford's friend, Noelle. That night we went to dinner at Kobe's Japanese Steak House.

My three year old:

My four year old:

Birthday pancakes:

Ford at the zoo:

Birthday lovin:

Family picture minus Miles:


The Saturday after Ford's birthday, we had a big birthday party planned at Bounce U with lots of Ford's classmates and a random assortment of other friends. It was a huge hit!

Getting ready to charge. Bouncers beware!

Ford's precious cousins, Amelia and Luke:

My sister was brave enough to come even though she has NO children!

There was lots of running and screaming:

Ford's other cousin, Audrey Claire:

Cute little Emerson:

Miles being shy, Trina and Sweet Ellie girl:

Ford's BFF, Will:

Ford was a little intimidated by everyone staring at him:

On Sunday, Pawpaw aka Scott's dad, came over to deliver his presents:

Whew! It was a busy weekend. But, I think Ford had a great birthday weekend and got tons of loot. So, I think it was a huge success!