Wednesday, August 20, 2008

On and On

I've gotten behind on posting so here is a fast track (or slow track) to the past several weeks.

BFF Trina and her youngest daughter Emerson came back into town. Ford and I picked them up at the airport and we all headed to KY. Ford and Emerson rode in the back seat together and they bickered back and forth the whole way. Emerson is almost a year younger than Ford and only knows a few words. But, she kept pointing her finger at him and telling him NO. I can't remember what Ford was saying back but it was fussy and quite humorous. The next day, all of my pre-high school friends got together. There are eight of us and some of us have been friends all of our lives...literally. I don't remember not knowing them. It's awesome that we all still keep in touch and get together a couple of times a year. I love all of my Kentucky girls so much! I'm sad to say I didn't get any pictures, so the commentary with have to do.

Cousin Audrey was at Granny and Papa's house for the weekend too. Ford is crazy about Audrey (she's four) and we had a fun time getting to spend time with Granny, Papa and her.
Look at Audrey's cute haircut:

Ford is refusing to pose for a picture here:

Our summer bible study was over a couple of weeks ago and the fall bible study doesn't start until next month. Lana has been kind enough to invite all of the ladies with kids to her community pool for the past several Wednesdays.

All the moms and kids:

Ford got upset about something. I asked him if he wanted to swim or sit there and cry. He said he wanted to sit there and cry:

This past Friday, we met Mary Ann and Will at the zoo. It was fun to get to spend the day with them at the zoo!
Our sweet boys:

Will and his cute mama:

There was some of this:

But more of this:

On Saturday, Scott, Ford and I spent a fun day together. That morning, we went to our new neighborhood coffee shop, Ugly Mugs (it's named that because none of the coffee mugs match). I LOVE IT! It's so cute! It even has a play area for the kiddos!

On Sunday, our church community group had a popsicle social at Lauren and Berry's house:

So, so sorry for the l-o-n-g post. I'm offically caught up. I'll end with a few cute pictures of Ford.
Ford and Griffin looking out the window:

Ford watching television (this is a brand new phenomenon...he wouldn't watch tv until a month ago):

Ford and Mamaw:


Ann @TheAssetEdge said...

Hello friend!
I just discovered the Ugly Mug a few weeks ago. I didn't explore far enough to see the kid's area because I was there for a work meeting. But it's a really cute place!
Happy day,