Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My Fair Baby

Scott and I took Ford to the Tennessee State Fair a couple of weekends ago. We went in the morning, which turned out to be perfect for our little guy. It wasn't crowded at all and we were able to do tons of things all in about a two hour time span.

I was taken by a carny after only being inside the gate for all of about two minutes. He conned me into letting Ford throw some darts at balloons. Ford got a really tacky and tiny $5 frog out of the deal. He named the frog Ribit, which I think is very cute. I rode two rides with Ford, but he rode all of the other ones by himself! I was so impressed with and proud of how brave he was. There was only one dragon ride where he said, "Want out. Want out!" They had a petting zoo and Ford got to pet and feed several of the animals. He was absolutely PERFECT and we had a very fun day at the fair!


stmclaughlin said...

How fitting was it that he wanted to wear his redneck outfit that day? (John Deere shirt and hat)

UKNat said...

All that was missing was a can of dip in his back pocket!

Unknown said...

Nat, I'm catching up...these pictures are so cute!!!