Friday, April 10, 2009

What's Going On

I wanted to post some April pictures before Easter arrived. I'm trying not to get behind on my posts this month. I'm really tired right now, so please forgive me that this post isn't very well written. It's kind of all over the place, but you get the idea, right?

We moved Ford from his crib to a twin bed a couple of months ago. We finally got my twin bed from when I was younger. My sweet mom painted it navy blue and brought it to us. Thanks, Mom! My sister-in-law was asking where we put the bed in Ford's room, so here it is. Ford's new bed and a picture of Ford's room.

For a special treat, Scott makes pancakes on Saturday mornings. On this Saturday, Scott made chocolate chip pancakes and Ford helped make them AND helped eat them:

We gave Scott a Saturday off and went to Marche', a neat little breakfast and lunch place in East Nashville. Ford and I had a nice breakfast with Scott and his iPhone.

Pawpaw came by to visit us and brought Ford some foam animal hats.

I just thought this picture was funny. Ford is kicked back with his aligator hat on.

Ford's into being naked these days. I guess it's good that he's going through this stage now so maybe he'll skip it when goes to college.

Last Friday, I had dinner with my sweet, cute friends, Mary Ann and Jennifer. It was wonderful to get to spend time with these girls. If only our other sweet friends, Abby and Jennifer, could have joined us.

I went Easter shopping last week and I couldn't resist buying this outfit for the new baby. This may be the only new outfit this baby boy ever gets!

We are in Kentucky for Easter weekend at my parents' house. I'll be posting Easter pictures soon. Happy Easter Everyone!



I laughed out loud at your naked/college days comment.