Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sewanee, How I Love Ya...

This past weekend, Scott, Ford and I went to Mont Eagle for Scott to do some computer work for my former boss and our friends, Richard and Beth. Richard and Beth have a home in Monteagle that needed internet and wireless computer capabilities, so we got there at about noon on Friday and stayed until the next afternoon.

If you haven't ever been to Monteagle or Sewanee, I highly recommend it. It's about an hour east of Nashville and it is one of the most beautiful and peaceful places I've ever been (not that I'm well traveled, but still).

Richard and Beth's house is called Mountainview because it literally backs up to the edge of the mountain. The house is beautiful and the views are even more beautiful.

We were only there for 24 hours, but Richard said there is a playground you can hike to that's close by. We'd like to go back when it's a little warmer outside and stay for a weekend. Anyway, it was a nice very mini-vacation. A picture is worth a thousand words, so here you go!


Steve Simpson said...

Looks like a great place to spend the weekend. Outstanding view through the valley. I've never been to Monteagle or Sewanee (other than driving past really fast on I-24). I'll have to make sure to stop my next time though there.

Unknown said...

Love it! Tell Richard that he'll have us as renters now that we know he has a place there. Maybe we should start planning a stay for Mare's birthday this year!! Love, Ab