Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mudder's Day!

First of all, Happy Mother's Day to my mom and to Scott's mom. Now that I am a mother, it makes me appreciate all the things that my mom does and has done for me even more. Happy Mother's Day, Mama! I love you!

When I picked Ford up at school on Friday, his sweet teachers had helped the kids make their handprint with paint on a ceramic tile. They also helped Ford practice saying Happy Mother's Day.

On Saturday, Scott and Ford ran errands and when they came home, this is how I was greeted at the door. Ford reinacted this so I could get it on video. I'll try and post the video so you can hear him say, "Happy Mudder's Day."Today after church, Scott and Ford took me to brunch. We went to a new East Nashville restaurant called Mad Donna's, in the building where Radio Cafe was for years. It was yummy! After brunch, my sweet husband gave me the day "off" and took care of Ford and cleaned the house. I even got to take a nap! Thank you for making me feel so special today, Scott!

Without my sweet son, I wouldn't be celebrated on this day. I am thankful for him and grateful to be his mother. And for all the moms who have children and for those who don't have children yet; for all the moms who wait for the next baby to add to thier family; for all the moms who have had miscarriages or lost a baby or child of any age whether years ago or recently, may God fill you with the peace that passes all understanding today and always.


Unknown said...

I love that picture of Ford outside the door with the flowers. Tooo, tooo cute!