Saturday, May 10, 2008

Technical Difficulty

My computer all but crashed a week or so ago. I could have updated my blog from another computer, but I wanted to include pictures, so I waited until Scott had me up and running again. Here is what's been going on over the past week.

Last Saturday, Scott, Ford and I went to Bowling Green to visit. The twins are two months old and Scott hadn't met them yet. So, we went up for the day to play and try and help out a little. Ford and Audrey play very well together...they are crazy about each other! And the twins are getting bigger. Scott said it was hard to believe they were even smaller than they are!

I love the following series of pictures. Allen, Luke and Ford were playing peek-a-boo while I took their picture.

Audrey and Ford got baths before we headed home. This next picture is my new favorite picture of Ford.

Here is another cute series of pictures. Ford likes to run up and down our hallway and act "crazy" as he likes to call it. I got a few action shots while he was running this time.

We also went to Granny and Papa's house last week to stay for a few days while the painters finished up. This post is long enough, so I'll write about our visit to their house in another post.


Unknown said...


I love this picture of Ford. His hair looks just like Bro. Bill's.


Unknown said...

Cute pictures!! Those of Allen and Ford and Luke are so sweet! And, I need to know where you got that white and blue shirt Ford is wearing in the "crazy" pictures. Gus needs one, now!Love and miss you so much, Ab