Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Birthday, USA!

This post is long overdue. It seems like July is always a really busy month for us. I'll try and update you on what we've been up to over the past two weeks.

On July 1st, our former church community group had a reunion because our past leaders, Mike and Christi, were in town from St. Louis. Everyone from our old community group was there except for the Trapps who live in Atlanta. It was so fun to see all the kids together. Many of the children hadn't even been born when we joined the community group including Ford. It was a joke that if you were in our community group, you would have a baby girl. As you can see in the picture, the boys are outnumbered! Thanks so much to Brett and Virginia for hosting.

Scott's youngest brother, Greg, and his girlfriend, Juniper, came to Nashville for the 4th of July holiday week. We haven't seen Greg since Christmas, so it was great to have him here. Scott's Dad, Rona, Greg and Juniper came over on the 4th for a cookout. We played outside for a while and Pawpaw and Rona offered to babysit for us so that Scott, Greg, Juniper and I could go watch the fireworks.

Scott's mom came into town on Sunday to spend a few days with us. She was kind enough to babysit so we could go to a Nashville Sounds game...the first one we've been to in a long time! She and Ford played out in the yard with the hose. Ford figured out how to change the setting on the sprayer and soaked Granna! He really got a kick out of that!

On Friday night, Pawpaw and Rona invited us to go see a production of Go, Dog. Go! at the Nashville Children's Theater. We were certain we would have to take Ford out during the show. However, he sat through the entire show and when it was over he said, "Do it again! Do it again!" It was a hit! Much thanks to Pawpaw and Rona for the tickets.

Whew! That's not even all we have done, but it's getting late. We'll be leaving to go to Richmond, Virginia on Wednesday to visit with Grana's side of the family and I'll post about our trip when we get back!


Unknown said...

Nat, sounds like y'all have had a fun couple of weeks! I love that Ford sat through Go, Dog, Go. Y'all have a good and safe trip. I tried to call you back on Monday to get Ford to tell Cati "Happy Birthday," but we missed y'all. I think Cati's going to wear her "Nashville" shirt tomorrow, so I'll take a picture and send it. Thank y'all so much! Always, Abby