Thursday, July 24, 2008


We were long overdue for a trip to see Scott's mom's side of the family in Richmond, so we headed east a week ago Wednesday. We hadn't been to Richmond since Ford was about five months old and we were excited to see everybody!

On Friday, we went to visit Scott's grandfather, Popsie, and his wife June at their place. Thankfully, Ford was entertained by riding on Popsie's very cool walker (or Cadillac as Popsie called it) that has wheels and a seat.

We had a cookout on Saturday night and everyone came to Ben and Jessica's house.
The highlight of our trip was meeting their baby girl, Ruby, for the first time.
Ruby and her Nana (Scott's Aunt Jan):

Jessica, Ben and Ruby:

Ben and Jessica's golden-doodle, Dozer. Can you see the bell by the door? Dozer rings it when he needs to go out. He is a very smart and well behaved dog!

Popsie and Ford watching golf:

Scott's aunt and uncle, Mary and Gib:

I was holding Ruby here and Ford got a little bit jealous and insisted that I hold him too:

Scott's Uncle Skeet got suckered into taking care of the kids somehow:

Sweet Ruby:

Grana, Ford, Dozer and Scott:

We had such a wonderful time visiting with everyone. I wish we could have stayed longer (or that we lived closer together). A very big thanks to Ben and Jessica for letting us stay with them. Also, thanks to Jan, Ben and Cindy for making sure we were fed for the entire trip!

We got back on Monday night and then last night, our community group girls had a baby shower for Lee at our house. Lee and Adam are expecting their first baby, a girl, next month. All of the girls were able to attend except for Suzanne because her baby, Benjamin, was sick. It was nice to spend the evening with these sweet, sweet girls and we can't wait to meet baby Sadie when she makes her arrival into this world!

The summer busyness continues this weekend. Best Friend Trina and daughter Ellie are coming to Nashville tomorrow night. I'm so excited to see them! I can't wait!